The Fieldwork Blog

Fieldwork's People-First Approach

Written by Fieldwork | Mar 23, 2023 5:49:31 PM

March is Women's History Month, a time to celebrate the countless contributions women have made throughout history. Our company has always prioritized creating a work environment that allows all people to thrive, regardless of gender. For us, empowering women isn't a trend, it's who we are. 

People are at the core of our business, and this means that we prioritize equality and diversity in everything we do, both with our clients and our employees. We firmly believe that providing equal opportunities for all individuals is not only the right thing to do, but it's also crucial to our company's success. So, we've made it our mission to ensure that all our employees have a level playing field, irrespective of their gender, race, or background. 

In the spirit of Women's History Month, we would like to spotlight four women at Fieldwork who exemplify the people who shape our company. These women - Karyn, Lillian, Kelsey, and Ginger - bring unique perspectives, experiences, and journeys to the industry, and we are honored to have them as part of our team. 



I’ve been with Fieldwork since the very beginning. And when I reflect on my years with the company, I can’t remember a time where we didn’t support women. Empowering women isn't just some trend or initiative we've hopped on - it's just who we are. Fieldwork has always been an environment where people – regardless of their gender – can have successful careers alongside a flourishing home life.  

To succeed in marketing research, you must have a deep sense of strength. I've had the privilege of promoting several women into leadership roles based solely on their merit and work ethic. Gender has never been a consideration for me when recognizing and rewarding talent. To me, it's about recognizing those who have shown strength, determination, and commitment to their work. I think that’s the ethos at Fieldwork too.  

What advice would you share with women in the industry?

My advice to anyone facing challenges at work is to take a deep breath and remember that it's not a matter of life or death. In market research, there is nothing that can't be solved with teamwork and determination. It's also essential to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Exercise, eat well, and do things that make you feel good. 

Who’s a woman you admire?

Whether it's someone I know personally or someone in the industry, I always admire those who are ambitious and humble. I especially respect those who have helped others succeed, in one way or another. Climbing the career ladder is always better when you have supportive mentors and dedicated colleagues. 


When I first started at Fieldwork 16 years ago, Meg Pollard (my current boss) was a project manager, and I was in client services at our Chicago - Downtown office. She quickly became a mentor to me, always offering advice and support during those moments where I hit roadblocks and felt discouraged. So, when I found out she was going to be my boss, I was thrilled. 

As our team grew, we needed someone to take charge of the proposal stage and help manage the team. We decided to have one person focus on that. I was up to the task and volunteered for the role. Fieldwork has given me opportunities to grow within the company and personally, such as taking a Social Influence course and improving my personal brand. Throughout all of this, Meg has been with me, offering consistent guidance and support. 

I genuinely believe in Fieldwork's mission and appreciate the opportunities provided for me to shine and be recognized. One of the ways I have been able to network with other women in the industry is through Women in Research (WIRe). I always enjoy going to networking events with my colleagues and making new connections through the organization. 

What advice would you share with women in the industry?  

My advice to others is to find a mentor or buddy early on in their career, someone they can turn to for support and advice.  

Who’s a woman you admire?  

In my case, my friend Jennifer De Leon has been a huge source of encouragement for me throughout the years, always pushing me to do better and achieve more. She's an incredible person who works on racial and ethnic justice for the Lutheran church and even runs a food kitchen for the homeless once a month. 


As I think back, my first behind-the-scenes view of this field was from a female perspective – with my godmother (fun fact, she used to moderate or be behind the glass with focus groups). It was an eye-opening experience for me and introduced me to the industry. 

When I walked into Fieldwork for the first time, I immediately felt at home. The people were warm, welcoming, and made me feel like I belonged. The fact that everyone had been with the company for a long time and genuinely seemed happy made me think that this was a place where I could succeed and grow. I was excited to join a company that was primarily women-based and proud to show it. 

Fieldwork has been incredibly supportive of women in the industry through our relationship with Women in Research (WIRe). Their mission statement aligns with what Fieldwork believes in, which is championing women, supporting them, and celebrating their wins. We are everyone's biggest cheerleaders, whether it's our clients, respondents, employees, vendors, or partners. 

What advice would you share with women in the industry?  

My best piece of advice for anyone entering this field would be to find a mentor or someone you feel comfortable coming to with questions. It's okay to not have all the answers because someone in your circle likely will and can offer their insight. Also, the ability to laugh at yourself is essential.  Things are not always going to go as planned.  You’re going to need to brainstorm a new strategy, which may seem stressful at the moment.  Having a sense of humor while doing so will make such a difference! 

Who’s a woman you admire?  

When it comes to women that I admire, my biggest inspiration is my mom, who was a full-time accountant, raised two kids, balanced her social life, and made it look so effortless. She's my best friend and has inspired me in so many aspects of my life. 


As a recent college graduate, I'm still relatively new to the market research world, and Fieldwork is my first job after graduation. I'm a project manager on the Network International team, and I work on bidding for research projects that span multiple markets around the world.  

One thing I appreciate about working at Fieldwork is the company's commitment to women in leadership. I've always felt welcome and supported here, and I believe that is due in part to the emphasis that Fieldwork places on diversity and inclusion. One aspect of this commitment is the company's partnership with Women in Research, an organization that provides networking and support opportunities for women in the industry. I have found this partnership to be invaluable, as it has helped me to build relationships and develop my career in ways that I might not have been able to otherwise. 

What advice would you share with women in the industry?  

If I were to give advice to new graduates entering the market research industry, I would encourage them to attend as many networking events and industry functions as possible. It can be daunting to enter the corporate world as a recent graduate, but I have found that other industry professionals are often friendly and supportive. Networking with other women has been helpful for me in overcoming imposter syndrome and finding support in my career. 

Who’s a woman you admire?  

Someone who has been a positive influence on my life is my Aunt Mo. She is a successful nonprofit professional who has always been there for me and my brother, despite not having any children of her own. I have always admired her career and the impact that she has been able to make in the lives of others through her work. I see her as an example of someone who has worked hard to become successful in her career and personal life. 


We want to acknowledge the challenges that women have historically faced in the workplace and the importance of organizations like Women in Research (WIRe) in promoting gender equality. We're proud to support WIRe's efforts to advance women's careers in the research industry and are committed to doing our part to promote diversity and inclusion. We encourage everyone to get involved with WIRe and other organizations working towards this cause, so that we can continue to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace for all. Together, we can empower women to achieve their professional aspirations and create a better future for our industry. 

We've always been committed to creating a work environment that empowers everyone, regardless of their gender. We firmly believe that promoting equality and diversity isn't just the right thing to do, it's also essential for the success of our industry. 

We're proud that our culture of inclusivity has helped women excel in their careers, and we're dedicated to continuing to provide equal opportunities for all employees. Karyn, Lillian, Kelsey, and Ginger are just a few examples of the talented women who have thrived at Fieldwork thanks to our supportive and inclusive work environment.

Accounting for 63% of our employees, the women at Fieldwork share a collective 2,000 years of experience in the insights industry.  

We hope that the insights shared by these women inspire other women in the industry to pursue their career goals and achieve success. And we encourage everyone, not just in the month of March, to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workplaces, because we know that empowering everyone is key to building a brighter future for all.