The Fieldwork Blog

The Meaning Behind Global Focus Group Day

Written by Fieldwork | Jun 14, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Global Focus Group Day is a celebration of the many roles, services, and champions of insights that make qualitative market research possible. This day emphasizes the foundational impact of focus groups and other qualitative research methods on business decisions. By bringing to light the stories, insights, and AHA moments derived from focus groups, we honor the hard work—both seen and unseen—that drives our industry forward.

Why July 9th?

The choice of July 9th for Global Focus Group Day is no coincidence. This date marks the birthday of Saul Ben-Zeev, a pioneer in the market research industry. Saul was one of the first practitioners of qualitative research, known for his unique business insights. In the 1960s, he founded Creative Research Associates, which eventually evolved into C+R Research.

In 1980, Saul and his business partners opened the first office dedicated solely to respondent recruitment and hosting of focus groups. At the time, focus groups were typically held in spartan conference rooms with tiny dark viewing rooms and poor sound. Saul revolutionized this by creating comfortable, dedicated interviewing and viewing spaces, significantly enhancing the practice of qualitative research.

Saul’s innovative spirit extended to the design and functionality of Fieldwork offices. He favored interesting, inviting spaces over cookie-cutter square offices, utilizing diagonal lines to create distinctive and recognizable environments. Saul set high standards for the industry, including:

  • Located in major markets with diverse participant communities – close to hotels, restaurants and entertainment
  • Spacious room with inspiring views
  • Amenities for moderators, such as flexible layouts and attentive client service
  • Comfortable viewing rooms that are soundproof for maximum security
  • Service areas for food preparation
  • Welcoming lobbies and participant waiting areas
  • Transparent recruiting spaces that clients could observe, ensuring confidence in the recruitment process
  • On-site ownership, with Presidents who are committed to your research’s success, present, and responsible

Saul’s legacy lives on through the dedicated professionals who continue to uphold the high standards and distinctive style he established. His influence remains a guiding force in the industry today.

How to Participate

Participation in Global Focus Group Day is simple. Each year, we encourage insights professionals to join the conversation on social media using the hashtags #GlobalFocusGroupDay and #FaceToFaceMRX. They share inspirations, challenges, triumphs, and goals for qualitative research and focus groups. It’s an amazing opportunity to come together and celebrate the rich history and promising future of our industry.







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Things Worth Celebrating


Celebrating Saul and the Pioneers of Focus Groups

Our industry wouldn’t be what it is today without the trailblazers who shaped the path for focus group research. We honor Saul Ben-Zeev and other pioneers who dared to innovate, challenge norms, and pave the way for modern qualitative research. Their contributions continue to inspire and guide us.


Celebrating the Power of In-Person Research

There’s something special about being in the room where the magic happens. The subtle cues, unscripted reactions, and lively energy all contribute to richer insights that can't be captured any other way. We celebrate the skill and dedication of moderators, researchers, strategists, and other experts who bring focus groups to life through face-to-face interactions.



Celebrating Adaptability in the Industry

Change is constant, and the focus group industry has proven its ability to adapt and thrive. From incorporating virtual reality to leveraging AI-assisted transcriptions, qualitative research continues to evolve in exciting ways. We acknowledge the creativity and resilience of industry professionals who embrace innovation to enhance their research processes.


Celebrating Connection in the Industry

Research is a collaborative endeavor, and the connections we build are at the heart of our success. We celebrate the organizations that foster these relationships—WIRe, ESOMAR, QRCA, Quirks, Greenbook, and the Insights Association. They bring us together, inspire us to learn, grow, and support one another. Cheers to the mentors and colleagues who have shaped our careers and strengthened our community.

Celebrating Inclusivity in Market Research

A truly inclusive approach to research leads to richer, more accurate insights. By embracing diversity in race, gender, disability, neurodiversity, and global representation, we gain a broader perspective on the world. We honor the initiatives and individuals promoting inclusivity in market research, ensuring our insights reflect the full spectrum of human experience. Let’s strive for a more representative future.

Global Focus Group Day 2024

Join us on July 9th to celebrate Global Focus Group Day and the remarkable contributions to qualitative research that continue to drive meaningful business impact.