
    Market Research Recruitment

    The Importance of Having a Local and National Recruitment Database

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    Your perfect respondents exist somewhere - just like that proverbial needle in the haystack. But, finding those participants can’t be accomplished with sloppy recruiting or poor screening efforts. It requires quality market research recruitment that stems from extensive local and national recruitment databases. But, who has the time for that?   

    If quality market research recruitment is important to you, it’s essential that you either make the time to develop and maintain accurate, up-to-date databases or you find someone who will.  

    But, why? Don’t screening efforts do enough? Isn’t it possible to weed out respondents who fail to meet criteria simply through a few phone calls? It’s entirely possible. But, if you’re working from incomplete or out-of-date databases, you’re creating a lot of extra work for you or your colleagues.

    Many vendors rely on lists that are often outdated and incomplete. It’s possible their recruitment lists have gaps in significant groups including millennials, senior citizens, homeowners, pet owners, users of a new pharmaceutical drug, etc. You may have filled seats with recruits, but without a constant new influx of people in the database, you might be missing out! And, we don't depend solely on our databases to develop a comprehensive list of respondents for your project. We implement many out-of-the-box methods to deliver you with "needle-in-the-haystack" results.

    As you strategize your next market research project, keep in mind the impact recruitment databases will have on your focus groups and end results:

    • Reduce the lag time between start and finish on important jobs: A carefully-created database allows recruiters to quickly contact potential focus group members who best fit specific criteria required for the designated project. For instance, if you’re looking for females who have recently graduated college, a database that has extensive demographic information will help you identify likely candidates, instead of randomly contacting database members solely based on age and sex. Without having to develop and update a database, you’re saving a considerable amount of time on the project. By screening and confirming respondents over the phone, instead of email, we also help you expedite the process.
    • Access a greater scope of potential respondents: With established databases already in place, both locally and nationally, you can gain a wider range of feedback for for your study. A well-maintained database ensures that a higher percentage of screening contacts are legitimate candidates, best suited for your needs. With the right respondents, moderators can ask the “hard” questions and expect insightful replies from members.
    • Improve the quality of your research: As you utilize already existing databases to identify and invite participants, you gain time to delve into the details of the project and perfect your screener. Instead of widening the scope of acceptability of a respondent, you can narrow your focus and let the professional recruiters source only the most qualified ones.
    • Eager respondents: The members of our databases opt in, themselves. They know who we are, what we do and why they should care. Our recruits not only are excited to help, but they are also great resources for us. They help us expand our databases even further by assisting us with networking for targets who are currently not in our lists. For instance, doctors may help us by referring patients. Or, parents can help us locate and connect with school administrators.

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