
    Market Research Support Services

    Fieldwork's Secret Sauce for Great Client Relationships with Adrien Whittemore

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    Building great client relationships also requires a unique blend of elements. Unlike condiments, our secret sauce is not about tang or spiciness – it's about mindset.

    Recently, Adrien Whittemore, President of Fieldwork Seattle, joined Priscilla McKinney, CEO of Little Bird Marketing, on the Ponderings from the Perch podcast. This inspiring and hilarious episode dives into the significance of client relationships and how a simple shift in perspective can transform a client into a trusted friend.

    Trust is the foundation upon which strong client relationships are built, and Adrien highlighted the importance of treating clients as more than just participants in a project. The key lies in forging genuine friendships and partnerships, with both sides working towards a shared goal. At Fieldwork, we believe it's truly a collaborative effort.

    Adrien emphasized the value of going above and beyond, cultivating a helpful attitude, and anticipating clients' needs. Sometimes, it means taking extra steps to make their experience seamless, whether it's facilitating Zoom calls or providing upfront information. Fieldwork Seattle understands the significance of surpassing expectations. As Adrien eloquently stated,

    "Well-managed expectations prevent disappointment. Start with a high bar, promise what you can deliver, and consistently strive to exceed expectations."

    Building exceptional client relationships is no easy feat, but Fieldwork Seattle has garnered a reputation for delivering end-to-end experiences that set their research projects apart. Their meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to seamless service ensures that clients are not only satisfied but genuinely impressed.

    Adrien Whittemore's journey with Fieldwork began in 2000 when she joined as a recruiter in Fieldwork Seattle. Recognizing her talent and dedication, she quickly rose to the role of database manager. In 2003, Adrien embarked on a new adventure in the bustling city of New York, where she served as the Recruiting Supervisor at Fieldwork New York-Westchester. However, the allure of her West Coast roots beckoned her back to Seattle, where she now oversees the day-to-day operations as President of Fieldwork Seattle. Adrien's deep understanding of the Northwest market, coupled with her passion for exploring new cityscapes, brings a unique perspective to Fieldwork Seattle's endeavors.

    In the ever-changing landscape of client relationships, Fieldwork Seattle and Adrien Whittemore shine as leaders. Their commitment to the power of mindset and fostering genuine connections ensures that every client transcends the role of a mere partner and becomes a trusted friend. With Fieldwork's expertise and passion driving the research process, the recipe for outstanding client relationships is within reach.

    Listen with the player above, or catch the episode on the Little Bird Marketing website.

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