
    Market Research Support Services  Research Venues  Mock Jury Research

    FAQ: Fieldwork Management of Mock Trial Scenarios

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    At Fieldwork, our job is to create the right environment for focus groups, mock juries, and other group events needed for trial consultants. It’s our privilege to listen to our clients' needs and create plans that provide them with the most real-life environments for each unique situation. Here we've assembled some of the most frequently asked questions about how we can help trial consultants plan and conduct mock legal studies to give you a better idea of what you can expect when working with our team.

    Q: Mock trials are important, but why does Fieldwork believe they're important?

    A: As a powerful tool for case evaluation and trial preparation, a mock trial is the cornerstone of mounting the very best case in litigation. When a mock trial is done properly, it provides clarity and confidence to build a winning case.

    Mock trials, and further discussion with those who participate in mock juries, give insights into pressing questions for trial lawyers such as:
    • Will the jury understand the arguments as presented?
    • Were the case visuals compelling?
    • Did we make the correct objections and allowances during jury selection?
    • What do the jurors think about the client?
    • Are we asking for too little in damages?

    Insights gleaned from well-designed research can also be invaluable in resolving the case before trial, including being incorporated into mediation presentations and settlement discussions.

    Q: Sometimes mock trials are needed, and sometimes focus groups. Can Fieldwork help with either or both?

    A: Absolutely, and because mock trials and focus groups are not the same things, Fieldwork's extensive experience with both means our litigation clients can immediately immerse themselves in their own research preparation while we handle the details. Our team thoroughly handles recruiting, room configuration, proper respondent check-in and respondent payments.

    Q: What is Fieldwork's mock trial jury participant selection process?

    A: Fieldwork is well-known for delivering the highest quality in respondent recruiting services. With a large and constantly updated national database and localized recruiting efforts, we can deliver the right audience to represent the likely jury pool given the specific trial venue. Whether it is a rural or urban location, our specialists know how to carefully screen and vet the right candidates. We know how to manage no-show rates and have backup respondents ready to make sure you have the right number of seats filled for your mock jury.


    Q: What additional steps would Fieldwork take to assure a productive experience?

    A: We at Fieldwork put as much focus and effort into creating a conducive environment for our mock trial participants and clients as we do in selecting the participants. 

    The flexible room configurations at our U.S. Fieldwork locations allow for all types of litigation research. This includes everything from informal focus groups to multi-day mock trials to mock arbitrations and bench trials. Not only can we set up the right size room with multiple configuration options, but all of this can be viewed privately by multiple attorneys and client representatives without interrupting the proceedings. Should a very specific location be required, our Fieldwork Anywhere division can bring the Fieldwork experience to where you need it.


    While mock trials are an abbreviated form of an actual trial, they are still often very long days. The Fieldwork hospitality, from catering to coffee breaks and fully stocked viewing rooms, goes a long way toward making the day more comfortable and keeping everyone fueled to do their best work.

    We can set up presentation rooms in various configurations as well as breakout rooms for group deliberations/ discussions or one-on-one interviews.

    fwk-mock-trials-imgs4-5For clients who cannot be present, the events of the day can be live-streamed to be viewed in real-time and recorded to be viewed at a later date. We can also provide transcription to allow for deeper insight and analysis of the findings after the research event has concluded. Whether you want word-for-word dictation, enhanced transcripts with searchable keywords and linked text, or questions and answers in an easy-to-read Excel format, we tailor the transcript format to meet your specific needs.


    Q: What else can a potential client expect from Fieldwork to simplify the process?

    A: With our one point of contact for your study you can stay informed without making multiple calls or inquiries about the progress of your recruits, confirmation of room rentals or any detail before, during or after the study. Our comprehensive service means you get one bill for your litigation research. From recruiting and room rental to food service and respondent compensation, you receive a carefully itemized invoice for your full service.


    We hope we have answered many questions, but should there be anything we haven't covered, we'd love to hear from you and create the perfect solution for your litigation research. Focus on the research. We'll do the rest.