
    Market Research Recruitment  Human Factors Testing

    3 Keys to Improving Your Medical Device Usability Planning

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    Human factors testing of medical devices, especially those in the process for FDA approval, can be complex. Finding a trusted partner who can meet and exceed stakeholder’s standards and keep a project running smoothly saves time, money and hassle. Because medical device testing requires very specific and often hard-to-find participants, finding the right audience who can deliver the most verifiable authentic feedback and drive powerful insights is crucial. When it comes to setting up successful medical device usability projects to study human factors performance, you can trust Fieldwork to handle the details so your team can stay focused on the research, gather findings, and evaluate the qualitative insights needed to drive business impact.

    These three P's show how the Fieldwork team delivers the highest quality of work and continues to drive successful medical device usability studies.

    The 3 P's of How Fieldwork Delivers for Medical Device Usability Testing



    Recruiting for qualitative studies is our area of expertise. But finding the right participants for medical device study requires an understanding of the medical field, connections to support groups, well-developed contacts in the industry, and a commitment to constant communication. We understand that while other market research recruitment may have flexibility in quotas and sample size, FDA standards often dictate our clients’ needs. Even if a regulatory board is not directing the number of recruits, your team simply cannot afford to find out too late about any difficulty arising in sourcing proper participants. Communication from our project managers has to be proactive and even anticipate potential problems before they arise. When it comes to medical research recruitment, “best efforts” are not acceptable.

    Another required display of proactive communication is needed with the respondents themselves. When planning for recruiting, screeners must be clear, verification must be completed down to the last detail and participants must know exactly what is required of them in order to participate in the study. There are many potential pitfalls when recruiting for medical device testing, but proper planning should result in a comprehensive plan from selecting the right approach for screening potential respondents, to day-of needs at the facility through to the last detail of respondent payment.


    While it is obvious that the participant should show up at the specified venue on time in order to be ready to engage, punctuality is also critical to keeping future pieces of the study on track.

    The return of correctly executed NDAs or other pre-study homework may be required. If these are needed, receiving them on time can mean the difference in keeping a project running according to schedule.  Appropriate compensation is an important part of ensuring punctuality and attention to detail among respondents. When the reason for incentives are communicated properly, respondents are more likely show up on time and prepared. 

    In addition, Fieldworkers make reminder calls and give very specific instructions on parking, entering, etc. so participants have what they need to show up on time. In the end, it is the job of Fieldwork to dismiss respondents who do not uphold punctuality standards.


    Knowing that usability studies have the potential to greatly impact many peoples’ lives provides an added layer of importance to medical device testing. The impact of the potential outcomes of these tests requires a nuanced empathy for those needing life-saving or life-improving devices. 

    When the team at Fieldwork thinks about partnership, our focus is not only on serving the stakeholders and product researchers. We seek to make the respondent experience a positive one as well. We handle all respondent communications with professionalism and empathy which garners a deeper understanding and respect for the seriousness of their participation. Our goal is to have repeat clients, but focusing on treating the respondents right has a ripple effect in helping us source the right fits for qualitative studies for years to come. We welcome the right respondents back if and when their invaluable opinion is again needed which can help further medical advancements. 

    At Fieldwork, we look forward to the opportunity to provide proactive attention to your project, a stream of highly qualified and punctual respondents, and an engagement in each project with a focus on doing the right thing for long-term partnership. The expert teams at our U.S. locations or anywhere across the globe are ready to get your study done on time, on budget and within the specific parameters required. At Fieldwork, you focus on the research. We’ll do the rest. 


    The medical industry continues to grow and change every day, and recruiting qualified health care professionals, patients and caregivers can make or break your medical research study. Click below to download our free guide that breaks down expert medical research recruiting.

    Expert Medical Research Recruiting