
    Market Research Support Services  Market Research Recruitment

    The 7 Ingredients in Fieldwork’s Research Recruitment Secret Sauce

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    The 7 Ingredients in Fieldwork’s Research Recruitment Secret Sauce

    Every chef has those “secret” ingredients that make them great. Some ingredients are predictable and easy to find. However, others take a little more effort to acquire and expertise to use. Our Fieldwork team functions like an executive chef expertly combining ingredients to create a gourmet meal. Many ingredients contribute to make that “special sauce” ensuring you get the best in market research recruitment and project management.

    But what makes our recipe unique? Of course, we can't reveal all our secrets, but we can share seven of our key ingredients that have made us a world-class leader in market research recruitment for over 40 years.

    The 7 Ingredients in Fieldwork’s Market Research Recruitment Secret Sauce


    1. Local and National Database Reach

    Your recruitment needs aren't confined by our databases. Leveraging our vast network, we ensure you access the most qualified candidates for your focus groups, regardless of proximity.

    Going beyond our local databases utilizing a multitude of recruiting methods, we strategize for your project’s requirements. As nationwide research recruiters, we pride ourselves on our ability to recruit participants for research from anywhere, equipping your study with the depth it needs.

    2. Prioritized Database Growth

    Merely having extensive databases isn't enough – we prioritize regular updates and expansions. From encouraging our respondent pool to keep their information current to leveraging advanced recruiting methods, we work to keep our resources comprehensive and up-to-date, catering to diverse market research needs.

    Our commitment to database growth ensures that we can recruit participants for research across various industries, specialties, medical conditions, and demographics, providing you with the insights you need to make informed decisions.

    3. A Focus on the Respondent Experience

    Respondent fatigue is a concern we tackle head-on. With a dedicated committee and regular updates to our processes, we strive to make the recruitment experience enjoyable for all participants. Our focus on providing a positive respondent experience ensures high show rates and reliable data, making us the top market research recruiter in the industry.

    Accessibility is first and foremost to our approach. By prioritizing inclusive strategies and adaptable communication, we guarantee accessibility without compromising on quality.

    4. A Multi-Touch Recruiting Process

    At the foundation of our multi-touch approach, participants are ethically recruited, informed and engaged throughout the process, which reduces drop-out rates, and keeps your study on track. Vital to your success, our teams are trained to detect fraud and prioritize authenticity throughout the process.

    We go the extra mile in our communications with respondents including speaking to them multiple times over the phone. After recruitment, we send a confirmation and touch base, again, the day before the research session. This attention to detail ensures you have a focused group when you need it.

    Qualified recruits need reminding, just like anyone, and we make sure they remember! And this standard follow-up process helps complete any pre-study paperwork required.

    5. Expert Screener Feedback

    Prior to contact with recruitment prospects, we discuss screener and project needs with you. As leaders in the industry, we can offer constructive feedback and tips for creating high-quality qualitative research screeners to yield the best respondents for your study.

    6. Applied Experience

    With years of market research recruiting experience under our belt, we've honed a system that blends modern technologies with proven tactics. Whether it's B2B market research, medical market research, consumer insights, or something else, our expertise ensures a personalized and effective market research recruitment process.

    7. Exploration of the Unknown

    Fieldwork's unique Exploratory Period offers a glimpse into market research possibilities with unknown or rare populations. Through a structured process of assessment, deep dives, and data-driven analysis, we help researchers explore feasibility and pave the way for successful research outcomes.


    Additional Resources from Fieldwork

    Let's Get Virtual

    Some recruiting projects pose special challenges and need a solution to overcome the geographic, time, or physical limitations of traditional research. Need to hear from respondents in L.A. and N.Y.C. in the same day? Need to gather respondents from multiple cities at the same time? Our market research recruitment team works with our virtual platform to make sure you have exactly who you need when you need them.

    Virtual focus groups solve a variety of challenges, allowing you to gather valuable market research insights in record time with the right respondents.

    Taking the Show on the Road

    Some recruiting projects are simply about a specific location, and that location might be incredibly remote or lacking a focus group facility. With Fieldwork Anywhere, we solve that challenging market research recruitment need.

    We can turn any venue into a professional focus group facility for all types of market research studies. And the Fieldwork team will meet you onsite to support day-of needs!

    Going Global

    Whether it’s coordinating multi-country studies, managing cultural adaptations, or addressing logistical complexities, our dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional support at every stage of your international market research journey. With our unwavering focus on quality, timeliness, and client satisfaction, we ensure that going global with your market research has never been more accessible, reliable, and rewarding.

    Recipes That Stand the Test of Time

    Just like grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookies, we don’t plan on changing our recipe. But over time, ingredients are updated and improved to change alongside the market research industry.

    As with any great meal, success is meant to be shared. Ready to partner on your next market research recruitment project? As the top market research recruiter in the industry, we have the expertise and resources to recruit the participants for research in your next project.


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