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    Highlights from Global Focus Group Week 2023

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    When your co-workers, colleagues, and clients are amazing, it's really not that hard to celebrate. This year we rolled out the virtual red carpet and invited lots of esteemed market research experts to join in on the festivities as we celebrated another Global Focus Group Week. Here's just a little bit of the fun we had: 


    During the first day of Global Focus Group Week, we delved into the profound impact that focus groups have had on shaping history. We invited market research professionals and influencers to share their experiences about projects that have brought about significant changes worldwide. From influencing public policy to guiding the development of groundbreaking technologies, focus groups have proven to be a powerful tool for understanding the needs and aspirations of people. 

    Norma Reyes from Fieldwork Dallas kicked things off with a cookie cake because we know that makes everything better. Qualitative experts Natalia Infante Caylor and Tracy Rosen agreed and asked for a piece to be sent right over! 

    Norma Reyes Instagram post



    On the second day, we celebrated the unique value and impact of in-person research. Industry leaders and moderators shared their perspectives on how face-to-face interactions can yield invaluable insights. Quotes and anecdotes showcased the effectiveness of various research techniques and tools employed in this context. Professionals were encouraged to tag their peers and invite them to share their own experiences, highlighting the importance of personal connections in market research and fostering a sense of community among researchers.

    When you're bringing people together for research, the hospitality matters. We love making experiences in our facilities truly memorable. Ashley Gornall posted this gorgeous video of our Atlanta office and here are a just a few of the responses on LinkedIn: 

    Global Focus Group Week Reactions to Video

    Thanks for the awesome shout-outs to our team, Cliff Kane and Dr. Monique Coleman. We're so proud to support this industry and make research projects run smoothly! Whether we're supporting shopper insights, UX testing, medical device usability, clinical simulations for human factors testing, or mock juries, we love to help!



    Day three was all about highlighting the innovative technologies that have enhanced research methodologies. Insights professionals were invited to share their favorite innovations that have positively impacted their research endeavors. The discussions sparked a collective enthusiasm for embracing new technologies and continuously pushing the boundaries of market research.

    Our Fieldwork Webwork services bring together our famous hospitality with our technology experts to make online focus groups deliver a powerful punch. Need some magic for your next online qualitative project? Be sure to connect with Crystal Majik

    Global Focus Group Week



    Emphasizing the significance of community and collaboration, the fourth day celebrated organizations like Women in Research (WIRe), ESOMAR, QRCA, and Insights Association. These groups provide platforms for building strong partnerships, mentoring relationships, and fostering camaraderie within the industry. Industry professionals were invited to acknowledge their mentors and share how these individuals have influenced their careers positively. The day was a tribute to the supportive networks that empower market research professionals worldwide.

    Kristin Luck, CEO of Scalehouse and Founder of Women in Research (WIRe)
    Global Focus Group Week
    Melanie Courtright, CEO of Insights Association 
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    If you're interested in mentoring or being mentored, reach out to Michelle Andre from Women in Research. WIRe is a non-profit whose mission is to advance the contributions and voice of women in research, both for themselves and for the greater good of the industry. Insights industry professionals of all genders are welcome to take part in WIRe community programming, all at no cost to its members, making it accessible to everyone. 

    Others joined in celebrating their love of important non-profit associations serving this industry. We love this post from Michelle Finzel, Consumer Insights Manager at DAP, and self-reported "curiouser and curiouser" individual:Global Focus Group Week

    It's always a LinkedIn party when greats like Marta Villanueva, Susan Sweet, Roben Allong, and Lisa Horwich - just to name a few - join in on the fun!

    In this industry, we can't forget the importance of the local chapters of Insights Association. They keep us connected regionally and provide a vital finger on the pulse of the big picture for so many of us while we're balancing our day-to-day duties. Insights Association West Chapter helped us celebrate: 

    Global Focus Group Week postsLeaders Ashley Le Blanc, Calvin Friesth, and Amanda Keller-Grill, continue to promote great things happening in the industry.



    The final day of Global Focus Group Week was dedicated to celebrating inclusivity in market research. We highlighted ongoing efforts to include people from diverse backgrounds, including those with disabilities, and emphasized the importance of race, gender, and global representation in research. Participants were urged to follow and support these inclusivity efforts and engage with organizations actively driving diversity initiatives. The day served as a reminder of the vital role market research plays in understanding and respecting the perspectives of all individuals around the world.

    We have so many colleagues leading the way by example. You don't want to miss conversations like this: 

    Diversity Discussion Global Focus Group Week

    If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Priscilla McKinney, Belinda Brown, Kayte Hamilton, or Rob Volpe on LinkedIn or consider joining Insights in Color.

    Participate Alongside Other Industry Experts 

    If you missed this year's Global Focus Group Week, don't worry! We have plenty of other ways to celebrate throughout the year. Follow #facetofacemrx on LinkedIn and mark your calendars for July 2024 to participate in next year's #globalfocusgroupweek conversation.


    Fieldwork is a qualitative research partner. We recruit respondents according to client specifications and host in-person, remote, or hybrid research sessions where clients uncover insights for brand and business impact. We coordinate logistics and provide customized global project management. Whether in our state-of-the-art facilities, online, or across the globe, we match the desired experience to the study requirements. Focus on the research. We’ll do the rest.

    Want to know what's possible? Contact us today!