
    Market Research Recruitment

    3 Things We Want You to Know About Fieldwork Recruitment and Our Respondents

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    Fieldwork knows that finding the right respondents to provide insight and give feedback is crucial to the success of any market research project.  This is why we make accurate, precise and ethical recruitment a non-negotiable priority.

    1. Respondents are eager and excited to participate.

    There’s nothing better than the excitement of someone who has just found out they are qualified to participate in research. We understand that enthusiasm is nurtured by feeling prepared, so we work diligently to ensure our respondents have all the details they need prior to your research and that integrity is maintained throughout all points of interaction.

    Our extensive quality control measures include a thorough validation process. We make sure our respondents know when and where they need to be, the expectation of their commitment and the amount they will receive for their valuable insight. No matter what the topic or who the target audience is, you can be assured that this step is being taken to cover all areas of the recruit.

    2. There's a lot going on behind the scenes.

    As recruitment criteria continue to increase in specificity, we understand that communication, collective idea exchange and efficient processes are crucial components in finding your ideal research participants.

    Fieldwork teams participate in multiple weekly meetings to collectively discuss successes as well as challenges with ongoing projects. We continue to leverage this idea exchange by retaining a detailed internal communication Hub accessible by all staff for easy reference of cataloged processes and results.

    3. We find strength in numbers.

    Our local and nationwide databases are growing daily, but that isn’t where our recruiting efforts stop!

    Fieldwork utilizes smart recruitment processes that offer a customizable approach. Creative respondent engagement, sophisticated database technology, strategic networking and online pre-screening all contribute to the success of recruitment.

    Responsible utilization of social media has allowed us to tap into conversations within communities that otherwise may have been impossible. From taking an active role in advocacy groups supporting medical conditions of interest to learning which terminology resonates with the intended target, Fieldwork is adept at navigating various opportunities of outreach to find your ideal participant.

    Fieldwork has both local and national recruitment experts working to find the right respondents for your project. Additionally, we have vetted and trusted global partners to help us prepare as you take your research to new or unfamiliar places.

    Extensive training, emphasis on quality, local knowledge, data security, industry-standard best practices and Fieldwork Pride are all on our recruitment priority list!


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