
    Face to Face MRX

    The Power of In-Person Research with Aryn O'Donnell

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    Change is inevitable, but not all change is negative. As the industry has changed over the years – even pivoting to being solely virtual for a time – in-person research is thriving. Aryn O'Donnell, Vice President of Corporate Services at Fieldwork Inc, joins Micheal Howard host of the Now That's Significant podcast, to discuss in-person research's impact on the industry and our clients.

    In this episode, Aryn dives into how the research industry never stops, and we are constantly connecting our clients with their ideal respondents to gain deep and meaningful insight. Fieldwork is a qualitative research support partner, serving research from UX to mock jury

    "I'm just hearing this across the board of the excitement to be in person. And I think that excitement together leads to a deeper conversation and leads to more rich, robust insights research." - Aryn O'Donnell


    We believe in the power of in-person research. From face-to-face collaboration at conferences to facilitating in-person connections between our clients and their ideal respondents, we’re excited to foundationally support the industry. 

    Don't miss this conversation celebrating one of our favorite topics – you won't be disappointed!

    Listen to Aryn on the HappyMR Podcast