
    Research Venues  Face to Face MRX

    Embrace the Research Space: Face-to-Face is Back and Here to Stay

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    For many years, the main concern for research has been agility. Getting research done quickly was a concern as brands knew that consumer opinion was changing at a more rapid pace than ever before. Getting timely consumer feedback to make informed business decisions was at the heart of this pressure.

    But in the pursuit of agility and speed, many realized that a move toward quantitative-only offerings could not deliver the rich insights gained from in-person research. Moderators realized that they could deliver speed and maintain quality by bringing stakeholders closer to the face-to-face research experiences. This created more real-time impact for the brand. Moderators invited stakeholders to watch focus groups in person and they could shape the direction of the conversations while the study was still “in field.” At Fieldwork, we saw a lot of requests for this kind of approach and could easily accommodate them with our spacious viewing rooms and flexible room configurations for breakouts. 

    During the global pandemic, most face-to-face research was paused. Respectful considerations of what clients, respondents and our employees needed was the order of the day. Now with more clarity about how to operate safely,  we are conducting face-to-face research at all of our U.S. facilities. We are watching brands and respondents alike embrace the research space once again. 

    Mock Juries

    The courts are open and the court of public opinion is in session. Important cases are on the docket and creating the right environment to gather representational insights is imperative. Our mock courtrooms have been created to follow the new social distancing guidelines and remote viewing accommodates extended client groups who want to watch proceedings in real-time.

    Medical Device Testing

    Lifesaving peripherals and concepts need to be kept on R&D timelines. Proper facilities, training and personnel are needed to accommodate proper testing and adequate decay times. Finding market research participants for medical device testing is one of our specialties as we understand the scrutiny many of these tests will face throughout the life of the device approval process. 

    Taste Tests

    A backlog of innovation pipeline needs to be tested and refined. The shake up of the food and beverage industry and the uptick in curbside food pick up has changed people’s routines. These big market shifts have created a tremendous opportunity for emerging brands to grab market share. For established brands, innovation is an important part of maintaining market share or even delivering the next product that may entice new customers. We have found ways to conduct taste tests in our facilities, at rented out restaurants and bars, or within brand facilities as needed. Outdoor and indoor options are also available.

    UX Technology and Design Studies

    Interaction with new technology and interfaces require confidential testing environments. A good portion of these studies were simply paused out of concern for online security. As R&D timelines are experiencing compression, staying on-time for product delivery means it’s imperative to have a partner who can recruit precisely and provide comfort and safety for participants.

    Respondents are people and their lives have changed drastically over the last few months. We’re experiencing a tremendous interest from the public to participate in market research. Right now is a great time to get respondents talking as they’ve been pulled out of their normal routine. They have engaged with different brands, lifestyles and social groups. They want their voices to be heard. They are ready to speak up with minimal prompting.

    As qualitative market research recruiting experts, we’re happy to source the right respondents to your facility or ours. Our recruiting process has been expanded to allay fears of about in-person interviews. We carefully qualify respondents and can deliver correct quotas without surprises.

    Fieldwork has always been a customer-focused business. The comfort and safety of our clients, moderators, respondents and employees continues to be our priority. We've taken the guesswork out of a safe and sanitized facility. We’re ready to welcome you back when you’re ready for quality insights for your next project. Focus on the research. We’ll do the rest.


    Learn more about Fieldwork's commitment to keeping our team, clients, and participants safe as we return to in-person research.

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